What is a “SYNCNTUNE”?

A “SYNCNTUNE” is a musical term, meaning, a continuous slide upward between two notes.


SYNCNTUNE is a music distribution company that helps independent artists and labels distribute their music to major streaming services and digital retailers worldwide.

How does SYNCNTUNE distribution service work?

SYNCNTUNE distribution service is simple and user-friendly. Artists and labels can sign up for an account on our website, upload their music and artwork, and select the streaming services and digital retailers they want to distribute their music to. Once the music is uploaded and the release date is set, SYNCNTUNE takes care of the rest - delivering the music to the chosen platforms and collecting royalties on behalf of our clients.

Which streaming services and digital retailers does SYNCNTUNE distribute music to?

SYNCNTUNE distributes music to all major streaming services and digital retailers worldwide, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Deezer, Tidal, YouTube Music, and many more.

How much does SYNCNTUNE distribution service cost?

SYNCNTUNE provides a range of premium packages with transparent and affordable pricing plans. These packages vary from a free option to a $200 package. The pricing plans offered by SYNCNTUNE depend on the number of releases and distribution territories, and they do not include any hidden fees or additional charges.

How long does it take for music to be distributed through SYNCNTUNE?

SYNCNTUNE strives to distribute music as quickly as possible. Once an artist or label has uploaded their music and artwork, it can take up to 1-2 weeks for the music to be live on streaming services and digital retailers.

How do artists and labels get paid for their music through Glissando Distro?

SYNCNTUNE collects and distributes royalties on behalf of our clients. Once the music is live on streaming services and digital retailers, we collect the royalties and distribute them to our clients on a regular basis.

Does SYNCNTUNE offer additional services?

Yes, SYNCNTUNE offers additional services such as marketing and promotion, playlist pitching, and sync licensing. These services are available for an additional fee.

Can artists and labels track their distribution and sales through SYNCNTUNE platform?

Yes, artists and labels can track their distribution and sales through SYNCNTUNE platform. We provide detailed analytics and reports on streaming and download sales, as well as royalty payments.

Does SYNCNTUNE provide customer support?

Yes, SYNCNTUNE has a dedicated customer support team that is available to assist our clients with any questions or issues they may have. We offer email support and live chat support during business hours.

Why should I choose SYNCNTUNE?

SYNCNTUNE is your most complete music distribution platform for independent artists and record labels. Our platform offers unlimited uploads, access to sales performances, and trending updates to allow you to have full control in managing your music. In addition, SYNCNTUNE offers services including campaigning and radio airplay to help you boost your streams and listeners.